Public Relations

Grow your business with the power of Public Relations.

Effective marketing is a 3-legged stool: combining Paid, Owned and Earned Media.

Tools to build trust - our approach to Public Relations.

Public Relations is the process of connecting you with your audience and differentiating your brand in a crowded marketplace. It’s incredibly important to increase brand credibility within your industry and bettering your overall reputation. PR fosters trust, which is an essential component of not only closing a deal, but creating an environment where your customer becomes your champion.

Public Relations is the medium in which a brand’s values are relayed to its audience which then establishes relationships. Our PR services are designed to tell your story, and our team has years of experience promoting brands in the manufacturing and industrial sectors.

Depending upon which Google Search you undertake, you’ll read we’re exposed to more than 6,000 ‘ads’ per day - and growing. While we think primarily of PAID media, ads or commercials, any message designed to create awareness and cause us to act: purchase, support, subscribe, learn more is, in effect, an ‘ad’.

Earned Media

People are talking about you.

Earned Media, sometimes referred to as Word-of-Mouth Marketing, is content where other people - your customers, prospects, and employees — are talking about you. Earned Media is unique in that it helps to create trust in your business, products, services and people.

An excellent example of Earned Media would be a bylined article, on a subject of importance and interest to your customers.

Bylined articles are opportunities established publications, such as newspapers, business magazines, and trade publications make available to outside contributors. Among the benefits of investing in bylined articles, perhaps the most important is credibility:

  • Showcase your thought leadership
  • Build credibility for yourself before a specific audience
  • Maintain more control of the content and context of your message than a media interview
  • Deliver greater depth and substance than media interview quotes
  • Establish higher credibility than your owned content, such as a blog post

Owned Media

You’re talking about yourself.

Owned Media is content which is completely under your control. The messaging on your LinkedIn pages, your in-depth, technical blog posts, your outbound email marketing — this and more comprise media which you control. Content marketing, in its simplest form, is all about creating and using Owned Media to your advantage.

Paid Media

You’re paying people to talk about you.

Paid Media encompasses anything you can’t do for free. It can take many forms, including online advertising, TV, Radio, Billboard, Email, Social Media and much, much more. These Paid ads are extremely effective, given proper targeting, which is why so many people use Paid Media as part of their overall marketing strategy.